This past Sunday, Justin, mommy and daddy participated in the 5K race benefiting UM Mott's Children's hospital. We decked ourselves out in active wear and Irish novelties and made our way through the route. Justin was a little uncooperative so mommy had to disqualify herself a little more than half way through the race to tend to Justin's needs, but daddy continued on and finished for the fam. We caught up with daddy at the very end and about a half a block from the finish daddy grabbed Justin and ran through the finish line with him....(and the crowd went wild arggggggg!) Well, not so much, but we were really proud of daddy! We've decided to try training seriously to participate in another 5k in May; we'll see how that goes. After the race we enjoyed the festivities and the photos speak for themselves. OH! And Justin is going to be in the Ann Arbor News..we'll post that photo as soon as we recieve it! I knew he was going to be the Ann Arbor News, in the future ESPN!

After the race, hanging with the Leprechaun & Mr. Guiness

Strapping buddy in for the race!

Making our way to the starting line!
Family Pic
Kiss me, I'm Irish!
Mommy and Daddy at Conor O'Neill's
Taking a minute to pose with mama!