Here is a collection of photos and a summary of what Justin has been up to lately...I know this is kind of cheating, but what can we say....he's almost 2 and he's begun his terrible-two's already therefore little man takes most of our time and sadly this means we've been slacking in the blogging department! Please enjoy though!

At school the color of the week was black and the animal of the week was the worm. Mommy made a special treat from Justin's class, the oldie but goodie treat of worms and dirt!

We gave Justin a taste test beforehand....

And the verdict was...AMAZING!

"Mommy, do I really have to share this with the other kids?!"

Here's a cute one of daddy getting down to Justin's level. They were playing trucks.

Justin has discovered his tongue and it's constantly hanging out of this mouth!

Justin is becoming very independent and really does not like any help at meal time. Good for him...messy for us, but he is getting better and better and as you can see here he's doing a wonderful job this particular morning with his Fruit Loops. It's really cute....he has to concentrate to hard to keep it on the spoon haha.

Justin and Scouty-dog. She is so good with him. :)

Cheering on the Red Wings! We've taught him to put his arms up in the air and say GOOOOOOOAL!
He is getting to be such a big boy and doing better with his talking. He is learning new words and we are practicing with him on the pronounciation, but for now he's doing great. Juice is "ooce", Please is "prriss", What's this? "this", Book is "ook"...those are just a few, but he clearly can say mama, dada, nana, papa, hi, bye.........Nice segue...BYE! ;)