Well, the month of May seemed to fly on by so fast that I never seemed to have time to upload the pictures from the camera. Finally! Here are some of the pictures-a montage to the month of May 2010. Enjoy! Also stay tuned for potty pictures!

Nana and Papa Kapla bought Justin a little lawn mower. Justin loves to help papa cut grass!
We went to the Detroit Zoo and this was the first time we've been to the zoo since Justin's 1st birthday. This time being a little older made a lot of difference! He LOVED seeing all the animals and riding the choo-choo. He had a constant smile and expressed lots of ohhs and ahhhs and babble! Enjoy some of the pics below...

Justin and daddy looking for polar bears.

Family picture before going into the Polar Exhibit.

We saw TIGERS! Justin's favorite! Nearby the exhibit they had this cute statue and he decided to give kitty a kiss. What a sweetheart!

Justin and mommy being silly on Mother's Day-Lunch at the Red Hawk.

We went and visited Great Grandma "Rene" in Three Rivers. We love her!