It's our favorite time of the year in the Hawes household-FALL! With that comes a plethora of fun and visits to as many orchards and farms as we can visit. Here we are only a few weeks into Fall and we've been to 3 already and we're hoping to go to a few more next weekend. So, maybe we enjoy it a bit too much but how can you NOT have fun!? Crisp cool air, fresh donuts and delicious cider oh and the hayrides! Perfect family time activities if you ask me ;)
Last weekend we were on our way to visit Grammy & Grandpa Hawes and stopped at Uncle John's Cider Mill near Mt. Pleasant. This place was great-free parking, everything was reasonably priced and they had a huge kids area. They also have a winery for "big kids". ;)
While visiting Grammy and Grandpa we went to Heritage Farms in Fremont. Grammy and Uncle Bud (Uncle Butt as Justin calls him) came along too. We had a hayride and saw some buffalo & elk. We took the cider and donuts back to Grammy & Grandpa's house to share with Grandpa since he couldn't join us. As you'll see in the pictures below Justin was pretty pooped after the long day and fell asleep snuggling his baby pumpkin from Grammy.
Yesterday, Justin's godparents (Mike & Tracy) and their son James were visiting from Grand Rapids so we all went to Three Oaks Orchard in Northville. That place was an enchanted storybook land with a nursery rhyme themed play area where live animals roamed. The kids loved it! They also had tons of toys and playground climbers for the kids. Again, great prices and lots of fun and yumminess!
Enjoy some of the pictures from our festivites and enjoy your Autumn season! Cheers!

Justin & Nana Kapla

Mama & Justin snuggling to keep warm on the hayride!

Auntie Tracy, James, Uncle Mike & Justin

Hey, are you talkin' to me?!

Yummmmmm, Fresh Cider!

What did we tell ya, pumpkin snuggler!

Justin picking his first apple with a little help from dad; twist & pull!

Hope on! I'll give ya a ride!

Justin & Daddy

I want that one!

Uncle Butt & J-Man

Daddy, Justin, Grammy & Uncle Butt ;)