The past 2 days have been quite eventful and interesting. We called to get in to see our doctor because Jenni had a large amount of increased swelling over the weekend. To our surprise we found out that she had gained 14 pounds in just 4 days!! Granted it is all fluid, and has flowed into her legs and feet which were already quit swollen. It is very painful and uncomfortable if you an imagine. Her blood pressure was also a little high once again and with recent headaches happening over the weekend we were directed to go to the hospital. So, we did. Our bags were already packed and in the car (we were so prepared!)
Once we got to Labor & Delivery we were admitted and stayed in triage for what seemed like forever......4 hours I believe. During this time they monitored the baby's heart rate, her blood pressure and her contractions, which were pretty strong at times and semi-regular, but not regular enough to go into labor.
We were finally brought to a private room, which was really nice by the way, and hooked back up to the monitors and she began her 24 hour urine. She got a lot of blood work done which was REALLY painful. She is normally not one to hate needles and usually just deals with it, but since she had terrible edema (swelling) they had to go deep sea diving for a vein. Veins that are typically not a problem to get at. Her arms and hands are bruised, but happily after getting stuck by 3 different nurses for a total of 9 times they finally were able to get their sample. :) She was a real trooper, you should all be proud haha.
After staying overnight and evaluating her the following morning, it was determined she was to be on bed rest from now on. We also had to have another ultrasound to measure Justin's weight which is estimated to be around 10 lbs. 9 oz!!! We have a doctor's appointment Thursday and we are hoping to finally determine the plan of action regarding a c-section or inducing of labor. That folks, was our exciting 2 days. We'll keep you posted of course. Now, it's off to sleep, it's been about 4 days no sleep and now on bed rest it seems I can sleep whenever I need to!
PS, this whole thing was a nice test run for the going to the hospital and having a baby deal!
Once we got to Labor & Delivery we were admitted and stayed in triage for what seemed like forever......4 hours I believe. During this time they monitored the baby's heart rate, her blood pressure and her contractions, which were pretty strong at times and semi-regular, but not regular enough to go into labor.
We were finally brought to a private room, which was really nice by the way, and hooked back up to the monitors and she began her 24 hour urine. She got a lot of blood work done which was REALLY painful. She is normally not one to hate needles and usually just deals with it, but since she had terrible edema (swelling) they had to go deep sea diving for a vein. Veins that are typically not a problem to get at. Her arms and hands are bruised, but happily after getting stuck by 3 different nurses for a total of 9 times they finally were able to get their sample. :) She was a real trooper, you should all be proud haha.
After staying overnight and evaluating her the following morning, it was determined she was to be on bed rest from now on. We also had to have another ultrasound to measure Justin's weight which is estimated to be around 10 lbs. 9 oz!!! We have a doctor's appointment Thursday and we are hoping to finally determine the plan of action regarding a c-section or inducing of labor. That folks, was our exciting 2 days. We'll keep you posted of course. Now, it's off to sleep, it's been about 4 days no sleep and now on bed rest it seems I can sleep whenever I need to!
PS, this whole thing was a nice test run for the going to the hospital and having a baby deal!
Here are 2 picture of Justin (Pudge) from today's ultrasound. Look at those cheeks! :)
PSS - Most of this was written by Jenni and edited by Steve, because he likes to pretend that he is helpful;-)
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