Christmas #1 was spent here in Ann Arbor with mommy, daddy, and grammy & grampy Kapla. Justin loved helping decorate, bake and wrap presents (see past posts.) It was really cute to see him "open" his presents. And even though he pretty much has no idea what was going on we think he knows that Christmas involves pretty, flashing colors and shiny paper and bows. Not to mention he seemed more interested in trying to eat the wrapping paper then the gifts haha. We got an awesome video camera for Xmas from grammy and grampy Kapla so look for videos I will be sending to you all from youtube!
Kapla/Hawes Family Christmas Tree
We then ventured to Kalamazoo in a snow storm to spend the weekend with grammy Hawes and the Tokarski side of the family. This was a lot of fun and was exciting because he got to meet some family members he hadn't met before. (Aunt Gail, Uncle John, Cousin Jonathon & his wife Erin, Uncle Stanley, Aunt Sandy, Cousin AJ & Megan) We were sorry we didn't get to see Cousin Amanda and her boyfriend Justin, but they live in Hawaii (bet that's rough lol) Everyone was eager for Justin's arrival that was for sure!
We then ventured to Kalamazoo in a snow storm to spend the weekend with grammy Hawes and the Tokarski side of the family. This was a lot of fun and was exciting because he got to meet some family members he hadn't met before. (Aunt Gail, Uncle John, Cousin Jonathon & his wife Erin, Uncle Stanley, Aunt Sandy, Cousin AJ & Megan) We were sorry we didn't get to see Cousin Amanda and her boyfriend Justin, but they live in Hawaii (bet that's rough lol) Everyone was eager for Justin's arrival that was for sure!
Granny Tokarski smooching on the J-man!

Grammy Hawes loving on Santa's Lil Helper!
Mommy all bundled up and sharing a snack with Justin.
After Kalamazoo mommy came down with the stomach flu and had it for about 4 days which made life pretty miserable. BUT, everyone was dedicated to Justin having an amazing first Christmas so we ventured onto Fremont and Grand Rapids despite this (again in a snow storm!)to see Grammy & Grampy Hawes, Great Granny Tokarski, Uncle Brian, Uncle Shane & Aunt Melissa and ect. We had a great time there relaxing and even went to Grand Rapids for a Griffins Hockey Game. Needless to say everyone mommy came into contact with ended up getting the flu.....It made for an interesting holiday, but we proudly wear our "I survived X-Mas 2008" badges. We are looking forward to next Christmas when Justin will come to learn and understand Christmas a little bit more!

Hawes Family Christmas Tree
One spoiled little guy!
The Hawes Boys (Dontcha love the tux Grammy Kapla bought him?!)
Family Pic at the GR Griffins Hockey Game!
Daddy, Justin and Celebrity "Santa Grif, the Griffin"
We, especially Justin, would like to thank everyone for all of their Christmas gifts. This little boy surely is spoiled! :)
We, especially Justin, would like to thank everyone for all of their Christmas gifts. This little boy surely is spoiled! :)

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