Monday, September 28, 2009

Busy little guy...

Hi Everyone-
I have determined that we have a difficult time keeping up with the blog posts when we have to wait to download the pictures from our camera (which can be a pain in the butt at times). So, I've decided to give literary expression a try and as we download photos we'll upload them to the blog.

So, this weekend we had a great time! On Friday we did a little running around and took care of errands. We also stopped by for a visit with Will & Hallie Ferris, two of Justin's buddies. Justin recently picked out a cool present for Will. Will has a birthday coming up and is currently obsessed with pirates and swords. So, when Justin saw a pirate themed pumpkin design at the store he thought Will would love to decorate a pumpkin for his party. (The Ferris family LOVE Halloween!)

Saturday, we went and had family photos taken. Where was our happy little Justin that is normally zooming around all over the place?! Not at the photo studio that's for sure! Justin wasn't crabby, but he just wasn't in a smiley mood so it quite awhile to get him to smile, but in the end after a lot of frustration we received some stellar photos! Oh, and I forgot to mention one of our stops on Friday was Babies R Us to find a picture perfect outfit and he would of course fall on his face and get a black eye (poor little bump)! Luckily, you can't notice it in the pictures.

On Saturday it was also UM gameday! We sampled some of daddy's BBQ pork chili (which was fantastical by the way) and grilled some chicken. Great, food, great game as UM stomped Indiana!

After the game we did a little painting. We covered the table in newsprint and let Justin be a creative genius with some fingerpaint. I may be biased but I think the kids got talent. He was so cute slipping and sliding on the paint and paper and he was his own piece of art covered in color.

Finally, on Sunday we geared up for some more football and hockey by going to Aubree's to watch the games and enjoy some yummy pizza! Mommy also made Justin some Snickerdoodle cookies, which he devoured!

All of these adventures added up to a very sleepy Justin. He had a great time though and we can't wait to share the pictures and videos with you...soon to come!

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