Here are the monthly bath photos I know you're all waiting for! Notice his awesome bubble maker he got as a gift from the Ferris family!
Justin is getting so big and I know I must say that every month, but just to give you an idea of what he's up to these days...
He can say baba, mama, dada, nana, red, blue(boo), uh-oh, no, roar...
He waves hello/good bye and points to things/points up to indicate he wants to be picked up....
He's mastered the sippy cup and he's pretty much given up the baba.
Justin has 8 teeth and is eating pretty much everything we can eat. Some of his favorite foods include chicken, vegetable, peaches, & hot dogs. He also of course loves any fruit and animal crackers.
Finally, he's a little stinker of course. He's into everything all the time as you can imagine. We can barely keep up with him! He is interested in everything around him though and is quite the curious george which is a good thing of course!
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