Christmas eve started out a little rough though....We actually started out in the emergency room! Justin and daddy were playing and Justin hurt his arm. We were pretty sure he broke his arm, but after the trip to the ER it was explained he had "Nurse's-Maid Elbow" In a nutshell of non-medical terms he pretty much dislocated his elbow which was quite painful. But I was amazed at how the doctor gently took his arm and quickly put it back into place. From there, he wanted to observe Justin to make sure it was just this injury and nothing more; during that time Justin was very pampered with Popsicles and snowman cards from the nursing staff. We were in and out of there within 30 minutes (record timing!). The doctor also showed us how to "pop it back in" if it happened again....Not sure if I am 100% comfortable doing that though, especially considering how painful it would be if I didn't do it right!
Christmas Eve evening, we went to church for the children's service. It was very interactive and filled with a lot of music. Justin was even in the Christmas pageant as the North Star (I know, how appropriate!).

Beautifully decorated Christmas tree & church.
After church, we came home, built a gingerbread house and enjoyed homemade lasagna and at that point it was time to get ready for bed and for Santa to make his way to the Hawes household! Just before that though, Justin was able to open one gift before bed and it was a cute Christmas pajama set, complete with a stocking cap!
Nana Kapla using her decorating skills.
Mama & Justin taking a picture break
The final product! Masterpiece! AND the yummy cookies....
Grammy Hawes & Justin working on the gingerbread house.
1 comment:
Looks like a fun holiday! Oh, and I couldn't help but smile about Justin's elbow (not that it hurt him, of course) - I had the same thing when I was his age as a result of wrestling with my dad. They taught my mom how to pop it back in, and she had to do that multiple times down the road! :)
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