Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Child Birth Education Class #2

Today we attended class #2 of our Child Birth Education classes. Today we first learned about nutrition and pregnancy weight (all pregnant women around the worlds favorite topic, right?!) We all has to write down what we ate in the last 24 hours. I actually was pretty proud of myself (besides the 2 DQ Dilly Bars I had!) But in my defense it's been really hot out! ;)

The next part of class was discussing the different stages of labor....in length....and detail... At one point I looked around the room and all the women had that same look of fear in their eyes. It was pretty overwhelming to think about but like the instructor said, it's better preparing us for the big day.

Finally, we practiced breathing exercises which I couldn't take seriously for the life of me since I have a comedian for a husband and birth partner. He just loved picking on me with the heee heee whoooo's and making jokes the entire time. Granted I will use the techniques we learned during the real deal of labor, I just couldn't do it with a big group of people in the class.

Next week we watch the live birth videos which I am super excited to see and well Steven isn't. I'm praying he makes it though it, but if he does pass out we are in the right place! (the hospital of course ;) )

This Friday we are heading to Fremont where Steven's side of the family is throwing us a baby shower. It will be nice to see everyone and get out of Ann Arbor for a few days. Hopefully Steven will get to get together with his high school and college buddies and brag about Justin and I can just relax and keep my feet up! Hope everyone is staying cool in this 80 and 90 degree weather! Until next time-take care!

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