Justin has arrived and since beautiful mommy is still recovering it falls to me to update the blog and pass on the wonderful news to the world. Justin Alexander Hawes was born at 2:15 am by C-section. He weights 9 lbs. 15 oz. and is 21.5 inches long. Even for his size he is still a couple of weeks early so he is having a little trouble breathing on his own, which means he is in the ICU at the hospital. Not to worry though he is doing better every hour and should only have to be there a couple of days. Please send him a prayer if you could. Mommy is doing well also but is a little sore and is very bummed out that she can't hold Justin very much yet and has not been able to breast feed him like she wanted. More to come very soon. Jenni should be released on Thursday and have not really heard much about Justin's release but hopefully it will also be soon. ;-)